Toddler bed VS. Junior bed: What to choose?

Toddler bed VS. Junior bed: What to choose?

When it's time to transition to a "big kid" bed, it can be a bit challenging to decide between a standard child's bed, also called toddler bed,measuring 70x140 cm and a slightly larger junior bed. What are the differences, and how do you make your choice? We'll try to help you with a few key points. If you're torn between a 70x140 cm bed and a larger one (70x160 cm), we hope this article will assist you in making your decision...

The 70x140 cm Toddler Bed: Perfectly Suited from 18-24 Months

Due to its 140 cm length, the toddler bed is perfectly suited for little ones from 2 years old and sometimes even from 18 months, depending on the child and their motor development. Since it's not too big, it provides reassurance to young children accustomed to sleeping in cribs. If your child is ready to leave their baby crib relatively early, consider a 70x140 cm toddler bed. If your child is already quite tall at 2 years old, and if you, as parents, are tall too, don't hesitate to opt for a slightly longer junior bed that can be used for a longer period. In this case, choose a 70x160 cm junior bed with protective rails for added reassurance! We often talk about the appropriate size of a kid's bed in terms of width and length, but we often forget to mention that toddler beds are designed with the child's height in mind, offering low sleeping heights!

For example, a Petite Amélie kid's bed has a sleeping height of approximately 33 cm! This makes it easy for young children to climb in and out of bed by themselves! Ideal for building their confidence and independence. The keys to safe and nurturing learning...


Safety needs ?

Kid's beds often come with small (or sometimes larger) protective rails. The secure child's bed "Vivien" or one of Petite Amélie's toddler beds in the 2-5-year-old range, for example, has rails on both sides, allowing you to place it in the middle of a room rather than against a wall. You can install the shorter rail on the side that suits your room's layout and remove it when the time is right. The low rails prevent falls and ensure safe nights and provide comfort to your little one!

It's worth noting, however, that some junior beds also come with protection on one or two sides, sometimes removable... This is the case with Petite Amélie's "Ciel" junior bed. This allows you to transition directly to a junior bed measuring 80x160 cm when your child is recommended to be at least 4 years old.

The Toddler Bed / Junior Bed for Whom?

If you're looking for a more lasting solution, we recommend a junior bed. Its 160 cm length extends its usability by two to three years.

Who is the toddler bed / junior bed for? Expecting parents who plan to expand their family within two or three years often choose a standard baby crib measuring 60x120 cm first, followed by a 70x140 cm toddler bed as a transitional step. After their first child's two or three years, they will purchase a toddler bed, and the younger sibling will sleep in the baby crib. A few years later, the older child will transition to a standard adult bed measuring 90x200 cm, and the younger one will take their place in the toddler bed... This solution ensures that each child always sleeps in a bed that's suitable for their size, with no advance planning required.

However, the junior bed will appeal to parents seeking more durability, especially if they have only one child. The junior bed is suitable for your child up to 8 years old and a bit longer depending on the child's height!

On the other hand, parents who used an adjustable crib for their baby may more easily transition to a junior bed to continue the journey. After an adjustable baby crib, which includes a removable side that serves as a small adult bed, a larger bed will be necessary.

Another tip: if your child tends to move a lot, they might be more comfortable in a slightly larger bed where they won't feel restricted... In this case, opt for a junior bed with protective rails.


A Functional Bed: Our Advice

Think about storage in all its forms! Underbeds are often dead spaces where dirty socks and toys lie around. Equip yourself with a children's bed drawer to accommodate children's sheets and duvet covers, to store a second mattress for entertaining friends or to store disguises, toys, clothes... If you are short of space, a large storage drawer will seduce you with its large storage capacity!

Buy an extendable child's bed: the extendable child's bed grows with your child. Can be used as a 140 cm child's bed, it can then be extended to 170 cm and finally to 200 cm. You therefore go from a small, reassuring child's bed into a real single bed.

Our Brume bed, extendable in three different size. Available in 2 colors: white and light grey

We hope these few tips have helped you in making your choice. Have a beautiful day, and see you very soon on www.petiteamé!