Tips: how to awaken your child's creativity and imagination

Tips: how to awaken your child's creativity and imagination

Discover how to boost your kids' imagination and development through play and creativity. Our carefully selected range of toys and accessories is designed to support each stage of their growth, all while having fun. From toys to develop your little's one motor skill to role-playing we offer your children the keys to a world where their creativity can freely bloom.

1. Unleash creativity with arts and crafts

These activities open up an infinite space for expression where each child can explore, imagine, and create without boundaries. Not only do they provide immense pleasure, but they also play a crucial role in their development, honing their fine motor skills and improving their hand-eye coordination. By giving your children the means to explore their creative potential, you help them build self-confidence and see the world in a unique and colourful way.

2. Role-play and learning

Role playing, a gateway to learning and empathy, allows children to step into the shoes of different characters. With our wooden play kitchens, work benches or doll houses your child can transform and explore enriching stories, boosting their imagination. 

Wooden kitchen SORBIER at @2Novembergirls

3. Building toys

For budding little architects, construction toys provide an ideal playground for thinking in three dimensions and getting to grips with the basics of physics and engineering, all while having fun. 

4. Puzzles and problem-solving games

Challenge your children's strategic thinking with  puzzles and logic games. These games are perfect for encouraging critical thinking and perseverance, teaching them to find creative solutions to the challenges they face.

Discover all our shape sorters here.

5. Sensory play for imagination development

Sensory play is key to discovering the world. Sensory kits, rich in tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory experiences, are designed to awaken your child's senses and enrich their exploration of the surrounding world.