What happens after placing my order?

Immediately after placing an order, you will receive a confirmation email from Petite Amélie with a complete overview of your order. You can check the accuracy of the information provided once again . If you notice an error, want to add or remove a product or cancel your order, contact us immediately via e-mail or our contact form or by phone.
These details are on the bottom of the website.

You have not received a confirmation email? Ít may be found in your spam folder.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking link that allows you to track your order as it progresses.
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about petite amélie

timeless design

petite amélie designs products that grow with your child. along with creating beautiful pieces, our collections are made with the conscious mum in mind. we focus on safety, sustainability and value.

sustainable materials

fair materials and neutral shapes and colours allow you to create your own unique space for your child.

made with love

our children's toys and furniture are carefully manufactured from solid, responsibly-sourced materials.