The Benefits of Co-Sleeping

The Benefits of Co-Sleeping

Is co-sleeping a suitable choice for me? The answer varies from mum to mum so it's important to consider all the options for yourself.
For many mums, co-sleeping is incredily helpful. Have a look at the benefits below:

More sleep and rest

Babies who sleep close to their parents fall asleep easier and faster and wake up less often at night. This means your child sleeps more and means more night's rest for you. Physically, co-sleeping also has many benefits for your child: babies who sleep close to their parents have a more regular temperature and heart rhythm - so they are more stable and therefore safer. Co-sleeping also has many benefits for breastfeeding mothers. Because you do not have to leave your bed to feed your baby, your sleep pattern is less disturbed, so you stay more alert during the day and you can concentrate better.

Less dependent

Some people think that co-sleeping will make your child too dependent on you, but research shows the opposite! Babies who sleep close to their parents are more independent and need fewer transition objects because they do not experience separation anxiety. They are also less inclined to thumb suck or be overly attached to stuffed animals or other objects.

More confidence

Furthermore, research has shown that children who have slept close to their parents during the first months have a higher level of self-confidence later in life, exhibit fewer behavioral problems and are less sensitive to peer pressure.

But is it safe?

In countries where co-sleeping is the norm, the chance of cot death is smallest, up to four times lower than in other countries! If you plan to sleep with your baby in a bed, make sure that your baby always sleeps on a harder surface on his or her back, with the head above the blankets. Make sure that your mattress fits well on the edges of your bed, so that your child cannot get caught in it. Never sleep with your child when you have been drinking. Parents who smoke should also not be co-sleeping, because it seems that this increases the risk of cot death. Do you find it a bit uncertain to sleep with your child in bed? A co-sleeper is a perfect solution! This way your child will sleep safely next to you, but not directly in your bed.
Do you have experience with a bedside sleeper? Or would you prefer to put your child in a crib or cot in the baby room? We are very curious about your experiences!